I wanted to swap my ETH on Arbitrum Nova network to Polygon network for being able to buy a long lusted reddit collectible avatar and I couldn’t find the exact swap option nowhere other than multichain.org. I found the bridge website over another site which lists and categorizes many bridge options. They also showed healthy statistics for multichain.org so I didn’t bother double checking the reputation or news about multichain.org.
By my luck, (!) apparently multichain.org got drained yesterday but the owners only sent two tweets about this hundreds of millions of dollars worth of hack! Not a single warning message on their website, nor they blocked access to the bridge app!
Without noticing all of this, I approved and executed the swap and I probably just washed 0.147ETH down the drain, or even worse, to the pockets of those lying POS developers.
These kinds of experiences suck. We can never be too careful and I’m getting more and more hopeless about wide adoption after these kinds of experiences.
Don’t be me, check every detail before you pull the trigger. Be safe.
submitted by /u/gorkm
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