We always say that the big institutions are all set to enter the crypto markets and will just start to dominate us, but we should also consider that you would need to hold a lot of BTC to dominate us. With 19.6M BTC in circulation right now, there is no question that they have the buying-power to even buy all of that, but the real question is whether people will actually be ready to give it to them?
Many seem to be under the wrong impression that all those giants like BlackRock just need to go on an exchanges and buy it all. Well, the Bitcoin Supply on exchanges is in a constant free-fall right now and they barely have 3M BTC. All the rest is either lose or in the hands of long-term holders.
Chart showing amount of BTC that is not being held by long-term holders, by Will Clemente
Yes, you heard it right. The majority of the Bitcoin supply is actually in the hand of long-term holders and as their name says, they are not ready to sell anytime too. Which is probably also why the SEC has been trying to create so much FUD, they want us to finally sell so that the giants can start to enter. So far it completely failed.
With the Supply that those financial giants would technically be able to buy, crossing all-time lows. They, even with an infinite amount of money, would not be able to buy even above 3M BTC and that is actually already impossible.
They will have the hardest time even owning 5% of the total BTC Supply, not because they don‘t have the will to buy, but because we don‘t have the will to sell.
submitted by /u/partymsl
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