I analyzed the price of the top 50 coins of January 1st 2023 till now, excluding stablecoins, because they are stable (in theory). So how did the top 50 fare this year?
For reference, the total market cap has increased by 53%. So anything under 53% would mean that a cryptocurrency underperformed relative to the total market.
Overall, 21/50 cryptocurrencies are in the red, while 29/50 are in the green. Here’s the overall results
Best performers: Bitcoin Cash (+181% ), Solana (+120% ), Bitcoin (+84%), OKB (+57%) and Ethereum (+56%) Worst performers: Apecoin (-51%), Huobi Token (-47%), Terra Classic (-45%), Toncoin (-42%), Trust Wallet Token (-41%) and Algorand (-40%).
Some other notes:
Most of the sub’s (prior) favorite alts are among those that lost value: Polygon, Cosmos, Algorand, and Cronos. Some of the sub’s most hated alts are among those that gained a lot of value, like XRP and Solana. Only a few cryptocurrencies performed better than the increase of the total market cap (+53%). This is obviously due to Bitcoin. Bitcoin and Ethereum are amazing!
submitted by /u/Beyonderr
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