Picture from 6 years ago of legendary Buy Bitcoin sign.
Well here you can already see a very familiar picture for the whole Crypto community and a quite integral part for all of Crypto history. The day a legend held up a “Buy BItcoin“ sign written on some normal piece of paper and that in the middle of a US Congress hearing and that on top of that was a testimony of the Federal Reserve (FED).
This historic event is exactly 6 years ago from today. BTC price just as this was happening was a measly $2.5k, a possible 10x+ you could have made just through reading. Surprisingly the Chair of the FED back then was today‘s US Treasure Secretary Yellen. Yep, the same person that made calls for an “anti-crypto army“ and basically calls Crypto a scam everyday. Guess, she is really mad to not have looked at that sign behind her back then.
Janet Yellen supporting the SEC to strictly regulate Crypto
Quite ironic that what once was just a sign in US Congress was yesterday they reason the SEC got completely ridiculed after losing to Ripple. Today Crypto is not just a piece of paper in Congress, but one of their biggest enemies.
submitted by /u/partymsl
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