I spoke with my dad extensively about crypto, and he showed some interest. However, he remained hesitant even after discussing concepts like halving with him yesterday. Today, we have decided to discuss our buying plan. I will provide him with a thorough explanation of Bitcoin, emphasizing the risks associated with investing in crypto. Fortunately, he is willing to give it a try, but we will only use what we can lose ofc. Since he has some technical background, explaining the details of Ethereum (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC) shouldn’t be too challenging.
I really belive in crypto longterm so we will just hold, no trading. I think he didnt know that i have a big interest in economy and crypto at my age so i think it will be cool adventure together to learn.
What do you guys think is the most important topic to discuss? Should I only talk about BTC and ETH, or do you recommend discussing something else as well?
submitted by /u/0_olicon_0
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