Okay so this happened over the course of a few months. I told my best friend I have been investing in crypto for a while and it’s been an interesting ride as I just cashed out some of my holdings and bought a new car. I explained how I buy coins from Kraken or Coinbase and transfer them to my own wallet etc and offered to help her if she ever decides to go for it.
A few months later, without telling me, she had done some research on how to buy some shitty coins and essentially told me that she lost over 30k in a matter of days. She explained how she bought tokens and then she wasn’t able to sell them when the price skyrocketed. A classic rug pull.
We got into a heated argument and she blames me for introducing her to these scams and causing he r to lose 30k. I wouldn’t usually feel bad, but she is my best friend and I that was lot of money for her.
What the fuck do I do? I don’t want to lower her over money, and I don’t want to give her 30k. I offered to help her financially with anything she may need but during the argument I might’ve said that it was entirely her fault she got scammed.
How do I not lose my best friend?
submitted by /u/dnotel
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