Maybe I’m the one at fault for reading too much into this but I was DYOR and came across a interview with the JPMorgan’s CEO from this year. Please feel very free to look at it yourself here:
In the video, the CEO ends up in a debate with a something of a pro-Bitcoin advocate and takes issue with the CEO call Bitcoin and crypto a fraud among many other negative things. The individuals points out that Bitcoin covers all the aspects of being classified as and meeting the necessary criteria of being a currency or money. The advocate makes the point that Bitcoin is scarce where JP Morgan’s CEO stops him and says that it is “totally untrue” and “how do you know it’s going to stop at 21 million. Everyone says that. Maybe it gets to 21 million Satoshi’s picture will come up and laugh at you all and say nah nah”. And lastly, ” By then Satoshi would have taken billions of dollars”.
The panel was laughing when he said this but it’s unclear whether they laughed with him or at him as the rest of the panel were much less biased and could admit at least some of the positives of Bitcoin. But regardless of this, it’s quite questionable and sort of shocking to se a man of his influence make a statement that it is “totally untrue” that Bitcoin is scare and not limited to 21 million. Of course media will take that quote and run with it severely skewing public perception from reality especially since most of the public that knows nothing of computer science or cryptocurrency don’t know that the limit is hard-coded and in open-source code so there’s no ifs, ands or buts around it. It is also interesting how the clip cuts off right after the CEO’s statements.
submitted by /u/OneThatNoseOne
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