With the recent listing of Moons on CDC Reddit avatars are going to gain in popularity too. Moons on CDC will bring in interest from those that aren’t on here as much as we are and will wonder what they can use them for. The first obvious thing will be Reddit avatars. A lot of people already accept RCA trades in Moons. If Reddit pulls off a market place well with Moons incorporated, they’ll have essentially created their own in-house currency that facilitates trade between avatar collectors and everyday users. It would be its own self perpuating cycle. Earn Moons through posting, trade in for RCAs, swap back for Moons, cash out, rinse-repeat. They’ve created a system where you don’t necessarily have to have the money to buy RCAs, but enough Moons that you can earn in your spare time to buy them.
submitted by /u/superduperdude92
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