So there’s this top post on r/cc invented by a redditor claimed to have been arrested in Iran during a protest. He said he was arrested in September and the arrest period was 6 months, meaning he should have been in jail from September 2022 to March 2023, give or take. link to the original story / lie.
Does his story / reddit account’s activity check out? Let’s find out.
Here are the collection of the screenshot of his posts / comments I’ve made as proof, because whenever these liars get caught, they literally proceed to delete all their internet history. NOT TODAY!
1: 6 months ago he was asking for diet tips. Nothing special. Just claimed he needed to eat better and that he lived alone and needed cooking advices. Said he didn’t have ‘time to cook’. By the way 6 months ago put this at January, when he should’ve been in fucking jail, per his reddit post.
2: Browsing through his past comments you can also see he was super active 4, 5, 6 and 7 months ago. That meant December, January, Februarys and March are all his active times on reddit, and again, those are the months when he should still be serving his fucking JAIL TIME as he originally claimed. What did he do instead? Yep, he was playing Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous in January, February and March, and in December he was posting like a gazillion posts about Islamic topics and Zinedin Zidane in Algeria sub. Check these out for yourself!
The entire story checks out about as good as my 5 year old cousin claiming she didn’t eat my fucking chocolate bar. THIS IS A SCAMMER FARMER’S POST TRYING TO GET EXTRA $$$ WITH THE PUMP. Stop giving these scammers money! Don’t give them anything.
submitted by /u/savage-dragon
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