Hi guys, I have been into crypto for a long time now, and I know crypto with blockchain technology is great for tracking and transparency. With all the projects and tokens they released, all end up the same. A new project comes up, releases a token, the token price goes up and down, and then the project is forgotten forever. The same cycle starts again; it is just a matter of time before one token goes to dust, except for BTC and ETH, of course.
My question is, what can crypto do for us which is really beneficial and not just about the ‘money game’? Personally, I think this is a very crucial question. What I like the most about crypto is that you can send crypto to anyone, anywhere on this planet with just some small fee. It costs not too much time, no regulations, and you can also choose to be completely anonymous too. That is a very great thing about cryptocurrency. So I’m very excited about what more crypto can do for us more in the future. Please share your thoughts 😄.
submitted by /u/nakasatoshi
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