Disclaimer: This is an educational post and I’m not gonna include any tickers. This is a serious way to lose your money and it’s most likely an entire scam. DO NOT expect this to be legit or have any value.
Today I want to make you guys aware of a “new thing” that I’ve just discovered. It started a few days ago and might be one of the biggest scams this year.
Some of you might not dive deep into the degeneracy of this space and that is totally fine! It’s usually the place where most lose money. It’s a mix of actually good traders, rich gamblers, air drop hunters, defi gem miners, memes but also
A Hamster race crypto system that you can bet on
Yep that’s right. Peak degeneracy of a absolute useless shitcoin and somebody having hamsters.
And ( of course ) the degen crowd loves it and casually bets hundreds of thousands of crypto already on it. You can see just from the last race how much BUSD they bet on a single race.
I’m not even kidding this is an actual thing. And people still bet on this, lose money based on a hamster performance. You can even see the performance to bet on underdogs lmao
Real picture of somebody losing his money betting on him
And it just started… here’s already the next degenerate race of ROACHES
I mean this is obviously a huge scam especially consider the only similarity it has with crypto is that you have to buy their Shitcoin to bet. You already know where this will lead to. I also feel bad a bit for the animals
Be aware guys this might become a new trend with how the markets have behaved lately. If you have the urge to gamble or bet on a race please use the traditional regulated ways to avoid unnessesary losses.
there’s currently over 1000 people betting on this scam. It wouldn’t suprise me that this kind of scheme will become the next thing, shillfluencers will start shilling it or create it and look for exit liquidity.
Do. not. fall. for. it. It’s just another pump & dump scam
Token sniffer is also already giving a red flag that it might be a rug ( most likely like all future once as well )
submitted by /u/TarkovRedditor
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