Some people may not know, but Logan Paul is a huge scammer when it comes to his fans(Oddly they keep forgiving him) and made a scam called “Crypto Zoo” where he completely scammed his fans as well as other people involved in this project, though this isn’t the first time he has done something like this or at least tried to throw it under the rug and pretend like it never happened.
He created Crypto Zoo with the help from actual criminals. “Crypto Zoo” was a crypto game, but the game never actually worked and screwed people out of millions of dollars,
“Some investors ended up losing up to half a million dollars, according to independent YouTube reporter Coffeezilla.“
Now he is being sued, but not on a federal level as of yet and only by the people he scammed who participated in this game,
Logan Paul, five other sued over involvement in cryptocurrency and NFT platform CryptoZoo. The lawsuit accuses the YouTuber of fraud, negligence and violations of Texas’ Deceptive Trade Practices Act as part of a platform he promoted called CryptoZoo. – Feb,16th 2023
Now my question is, How come Logan Paul keeps getting away with things like this and is not being federally prosecuted as of yet while other people out there that nobody has ever heard of being federally prosecuted?
Logan is scum and deserves the high level of prosecution just like everyone else.
submitted by /u/lordcolorado
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