I’ve been in the crypto game since November 2020 (just ‘moments’ before the last boom), keeping a close eye on everything without diving into the technical details. Right now, my total input has pushed me about 10% above the break-even point. While I left my thirties behind a while ago, I’ve been pondering on diversifying my assets (ETF’s etc). But darn it, I just can’t seem to wrap my head around crypto as anything more than casino money for now. I mean, there aren’t any tried-and-true methods that outshine traditional fiat through banks in terms of ease, reliability, and security (in my eyes). So, it hasn’t quite become a mainstream thing, and I can’t find any real evidence that convinces me it’ll improve anytime soon. Right now, I’m just biding my time for the next major hype boom to double my initial funds, and then I’ll withdraw my initial investment to reinvest into other assets (In my case, it ain’t life-changing money, but enough for half a nice suburban car, ya know?), leaving the rest for a rainy day, just in case.
Can someone change my mind about this? I don’t want the usual ‘trust me, bro’ -ramblings, but some real-life ‘proof’ that crypto’s heading in the right direction. What I’m searching for is some method that brings real worth to Crypto; other than speculation. I’m waiting the last two years for a holy sign on the wall that things are about to change; but haven’t seen anything.
Please enlighten me; or not. I’m not your father. Can’t tell you what to do.
submitted by /u/SnooPineapples1885
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