I am guessing that we all have friends why are very skeptical when it comes to crypto, based on how crypto is presented in different media. Would be great to hear peoples experience when it comes to introducing people to crypto in different ways.
The point is not to try and convince people like a salesperson, but more that I would like to introduce friends so they can make their own judgement about crypto. Instead of just listening to those who are against it. Just want to be able to give more nuance when it comes to this.
I have for example seen a wallet for a specific network, having the option to create gift cards that a friend then can use to redeem the amount to their wallet after creating one. But I have not tried this way yet.
So how do you do when trying to introduce people to this sphere?
Edit: I wanna add that I am not mentioning that I want my friends to invest in crypto in the post. For me, cryptocurrency is a lot more than investing to get profits. I use cryptocurrencies for a lot more than investing to get gains and it’s exactly this that I wanna make more known. But it is hard when even people who are into crypto only sees it as gold and not a currency hehe.
submitted by /u/babesugarbunny
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