Hey everyone. After my post about wanting to start getting into crypto yesterday I started receiving some dms. Those messages were OF COURSE about GrEaT services what will give me $30000 .
Who wouldn’t believe that?
So the more I was saying I was not interested, the more each scammer persisted.
So I did what any logical person would do. I started asking them for money. Oh you want me to try your BTC flipping service? Sure can I have 100€ to start please?
They all immediately stopped replying to me after asking for money. I mean I could have blocked them from their first message, but that’s not fun and it does not discourage their actions.
Stay safe out there!
Edit : For anyone telling me to disable DMs, I can’t. I need them for work (No, not scamming. Just freelancing. Like audio transcription).
submitted by /u/_Stalwart_
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