If you fell for the Worldcoin hype and got your eyes scanned but have regrets Dr. Solomon Eddie can help, he is the best eye replacement specialist in the world having done hundreds of successful procedures.
He recently helped John Anderton who was being hunted and tracked from his iris scans, he is now able to travel the world without fear of his eyes being recognized by any oppressive government.
The procedures is perfectly safe and only takes a few hours*.
John has kindly allowed us to share the clip below so you can see how simply the procedure is.
As you can see Dr. Solomon uses only the freshest eyes from willing donors.
you can choose to donate your old eyes to a less fortunate person or keep them to continue to access your worldcoin wallet without being tracked.
The procedure usually cost 10 btc but for a limited time Dr. Solomon is performing the procedure free of charge while he trains new students in procedure since business is booming after worldcoin launched.
Free Sandwich with every procedure.
You will have to wear bandages for 12 hours after the surgery and avoid all light or risk permanently going blind. procedure is not guaranteed to work, eye color can be requested but is not guaranteed.)
submitted by /u/Odlavso
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