Hello everyone!
First of all, thank you guys for positive feedback under my previous posts, that showes me that my posts are not just useless shitpost but can be helpful and knowledgable, I appreciate that.
Even though it’s weekend, Saturday morning (at least here in UK) it’s time to mention another 3 projects which in past had much more attention than in today’s world.
Let’s start with NEM, it’s a project which in bull market of 2018 has been knocking to top 5 on cmc (in reality it’s been 6th, imagine how great that project must have been to be that high). Back then it’s been interesting project using it’s own, unique blockchain (I know today a project which is being build on a totally new blockchain is nothing special but in 2016/17/18 it was something worth to mention and in many cases it was enough to rise the price of it’s coin very high). It’s also worth to mention that NEM is one of the first serious projects which max supply of coins is counted in billions. It is still a good project but doesn’t have much attention due to not bringing anything new to their ecosystem. You can’t stay in the top for long when you are not growing.
Second project which I want to talk about today is your lovely Nano (mentioned few times under my previous posts). Created in perfect moment, right just before the 2018 bull run skyrocked the price of Nano from pennies to $33 (Moon landing achieved) and being placed in top 20 on cmc was not too high. Being fee less, almost instant and having scalable blockchain was more than enough 5 years ago, unfortunately for Nano today the times has changed. The project itself is still very good, for many of you guys it’s still a project which you use for daily transactions but as I’ve just mentioned we are living in different times now; if, just IF Nano would bring things like DeFi, metaverse and NFTs into their ecosystem we would see Nano back to top 50 ones again.
Last project for today is Waltonchain, created more-less in the same time when IOTA has been released to public, both projects focusing on IoT, I am only mentioning this little thing because you need to realize that IoT in 2017/18 was as big as NFTs, metaverse and memecoins are today. Waltonchain could have been a big project and it was, it really was till… it’s a funny story becuase one post on twitter destroyed the whole project. Here is the link to an old reddit post in which you can find out a bit more about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/80y51m/walton_got_busted_fake_winners_on_twitter/
Even though the proejct itself isn’t bad it has lost the faith of investors and is considered a scam (not in my opinion).
As always, I am very curious about your opinions 🙂
I appreciate all the comments below! Have a lovely weekend everyone!
PS. I am not shilling any of the above projects.
submitted by /u/FreyaOystea
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