A lot of the people on this sub know this already but for the newer ones and the ones who forgot a friendly reminder, that anyone can buy a domain, write it almost like the original(f.e. adding an “-” or an additional “l”) and with paid google advertisement place it on the very top of a search result.
These Websites look like the original but will drain your wallet once connected with them and there is no way to get them back after that!
An aggressive example came across me when I googled Sushiswap (to access their Docs) and the top 3 results are all paid scam websites. In case of doubt visit the projects Github page(which always will have a huge amount of Stars, Followers, Repositories etc), Coinmarketcap or Coingecko to get the official link. After visiting the webpage/dapp/dex bookmark the official link.
Stay safu and always beware, never trust an email if you haven’t set up an Anti-Phishing Word, change your passwords, never trust DMs, always have 2FA, never open any random files someone sent you and always be suspicious even when a friend of yours sends you a link(he could have a virus which forcefully sent that link without him even knowing).
TLDR: Searchengines often show scam webpages on top of their search results instead of the actual dex/dapp you were searching for
submitted by /u/KrunchyKushKing
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