I often read here that people become BTC (and/or ETH) maxis after they bank their hopes and invest too much on low cap moonshots. Their high risk-high rewards ventures don’t pay off. Their confidence is taken down a peg or two – and this is when boring BTC/ETH takes on a shiny gloss. Better to concentrate their DCA efforts on these blue chips rather than flit from one gamble to another.
As someone who grabs every opportunity to stack sats and ETH, I can’t quite believe that there are people who would skew their portfolio so much in flavour of low cap investments. Did you really burn your fingers while dabbling in moonshots and subsequently turn to the safe haven of BTC/ETH? Even if so, did you turn into a BTC/ETH maxi overnight or was it a gradual process?
submitted by /u/cryotosensei
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