Do you actually feel that the money that you are holding in the bank is truly yours and under your control?
Banks are deep in our society and most of us, who are working, are getting salaries in the banks. So even if we didn’t want to use them, we have to. The problem is, I dont feel like money that I have in the bank is truly mine. I know that there is a chance that if my bank goes to bankrupt, I might lose it. I know that if some economic crisis strikes world of my country in particular, I can’t take it.
If I have some X amount of money, and my bank goes bankrupt, by the law my country has to give me money, but only a small part of it. So basically if you have $60k, you would get $20k. Which is crazy but that is how it is.
Couple of days ago we were able to see the news about people in Lebanon were destroying banks. The protesters were angry about financial controls which have destroyed many people’s life savings. People are not able to take their own money.
What about the redditor who said that he wasn’t able to take HIS $10k in cash from the bank, without giving detailed explanation to the bank why does he need it. Crazy huh?
I could go on and on and keep giving examples where banks screwed people over, but the post would be to long.
So do you feel that money in the bank is truly yours? Can you take it anytime you want? Can you send it all somewhere, anywhere, anytime you want? Y
submitted by /u/middlemangv
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