This post is supposed to be the most accessible guide for trading r/cc MOONs. If you never traded crypto in your life, you can start learning here. Here’s a summary if you want to jump to a specific part of the guide
Opening your Reddit Vault Importing the Vault into a MetaMask wallet Installing Metamask Importing your Vault Switching to Arbitrum Nova Importing the MOON token Trading MOONs Using a CEX using a DEX
1. Opening your Reddit Vault
It’s very simple but only on mobile. First click on your avatar on the top right of your screen. A menu will appear in which you can select “Vault”.
Follow the instructions, and you’ll have your Vault open in no time.
You may need to subscribe to r/CryptoCurrency to be able to see the Vault in the menu
2. Importing the Vault into MetaMask
1. Installing MetaMask
First you need to download MetaMask.
Mobile : There’s an official app on both Android and iOS Desktop : MetaMask exists as a browser extension. It works for Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Opera and Edge
For security purpose, I advise you to install it from the MetaMask website directly ! If you don’t trust my links, good for you ! You can search for MetaMask on your favorite search engine 🙂
2. Importing your Vault
Open your Vault on Reddit. On the top right, click on the Cog/Settings button. Click on “Recovery Phrase”. DO NOT SHARE OR SCREENSHOT THE RECOVERY PHRASE. Click on “Copy to Clipboard” Open MetaMask Choose the option “Import using Secret Recovery Phrase” Paste your clipboard into the field “Secret Recovery Phrase” Choose a unique and strong password for accessing the application/browser extension
The best thing you could do is write the recovery phrase carefuly on a piece of paper that you’ll keep safe and secure. This is not required but advised.
3. Switching to Arbitrum Nova
In MetaMask, click on the Network List at the top. If it’s a new account, you should be on the Ethereum Main Network by default. Moons are on a different network. No worries, I’ll show you how to switch.
Then you need to click on the Add Network button at the bottom
Select “Custom Networks” at the top. Fill the form with these informations :
RPC URL: Chain ID: 42170
The rest will sort itself out ! You can now click the “Add” button !
If you can still see “Ethereum Main Network” at the top, click on it and select “Arbitrum Nova”
Congrats, you’ve successfly switched to another network ! I know, it feels like a lot of work, but you’ll probably never have to do that again !
4. Importing the MOON token
Still on the MetaMask, you should see your ETH balance. Right underneath you should see this
Click on ‘Import tokens’, select “Custom Token” and in the Token Address field enter this :
This is the r/cc MOON token address. The rest of the form should fill itself, if not the token symbol is MOON, and there’s 18 decimals
And Voila! You should now see your Moons on your MetaMask Wallet !
3. Trading MOONs
0. Your MOONs ratio
To keep it simple : If you have less than 75% of the MOONs in your Vault than you received here thanks to the distribution, you will earn way less in the future. Be aware of that, for further informations you can check the CCIP-030
1. Using a CEX
There’s only a handful of CEXs that allow us to trade MOONs. Here’s a list, if I forgot something please tell me so and I’ll update it.
MEXC Gate IO XT CryptoDotCom (CDC) BitMart
Some of them require KYC, some don’t. Create an account, wait for an approval if needed and you’re good to go.
You’ll need to find the MOON token on your exchange, you’ll probably see a “Deposit” button. It’ll give you an address on which to send your precious MOONs. Be very careful while copying the address. Triple check you’ve copied the right one, in full.
Open MetaMask, click on your MOONs and select “Send”. You can now paste the addresse you’ve juste copied.
You may be prompted a QR code instead of/with the deposit address. You can also scan this QR code instead of copying and pasting the address. You should still make sure the addresses match !
Once your MOONs are on your exchange’s account, you can trade them as you wish.
2. Using a DEX
I advise doing this on a browser, not on mobile. It is possible on Mobile but some website might have issues with connecting the wallet. If you created your MetaMask wallet on Mobile, no worries, you can follow the same steps for the desktop version. You can have both at the same time, browser and mobile
There’s only 3 DEX sthat I know of that offer a SWAP PAIR on MOONs. Feel free to correct my list !
Sushi RCP Swap ArbSwap
I’ll use Sushi for my presentation, but I’m sure the steps are very similars no matter which one you pick. Make sure you’re on the right website, don’t click the sponsorised links on Google just in case.
First you need to connect your wallet to the website.
Click on Connect Wallet and choose MetaMask
MetaMask will ask you for the permission to do that. Make sure the permission goes to the right website, and then you can accept it.
Then you’ll need to switch on the Arbitrum Nova network on the Swap interface. Click on “Ethereum” to change network, and select Arbitrum Nova
Change Network with this one trick !
MetaMask will ask you for the permission, once again ! Make sure MetaMask is asking for the right network change, and accept the switch
You need to have some ETH on the ArbNova network. If you already have ETH on the main network, you can bridge it using the official Bridge to Arbitrum :
1. If you want to buy
Input the amount of ETH you’d like to exchange for MOONs, It’ll give you a breakdown of the fees, how much MOON you’ll get, etc.
2. If you want to sell
Consider the CCIP-030 before selling !
You’ll need just a tiny amount of ETH for selling your MOONs. You can search for a faucet that’ll give you what you need, or maybe you already have ETH.
Input the number of MOONs you want to sell, It’ll give you a breakdown of the fees, how much ETH you’ll get, etc.
3. Swapping
Click the big SWAP button. MetaMask will ask you to authorize the transaction, make sure all the details are in order before accepting the transaction. You can reject it free of charge, so if you’re not sure don’t worry, you can alway reject it and come back later !
If you want to bridge your ETH back to the main network, the official Bridge to Arbitrum can do that for you. Then it’s up to you !
Congrats, you’ve made it to the end !
Take care fellow degens
submitted by /u/ToshiSat
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