Do you have any specific chains/ecosystems you interact with daily? What made you stick around and interact frequently, especially in the bear market?
Throughout the past few years in Crypto, I have moved around from a few ecosystems. I personally started with Ethereum, then moved to Algorand and used Yieldly pretty much daily. However, at the same time I was actually stacking some CRO, to try to get a debit card and the price did a nice run up, so that lead me into the Cosmos since it’s chain is connected to Osmosis and I have loved the Cosmos UX.
I don’t use Algorand anywhere near as much, but honestly Yieldly was a fun product. There is definitely a chance that I could go back there and start providing some yield again. And Algorand Governance just isn’t anything special to me, and you don’t earn much yield from it at all.
CRO has a few fair projects, but the user experience is nothing special in my opinion. VVS is fine but definitely not better than Osmosis, so I don’t use VVS ever. ARGO liquid staking is something i still use every few months but the other projects on CRO are either leverage plays or something I’m simply not interested in.
Currently, I’m basically using the Cosmos ecosystem pretty much daily, basically compounding rewards, adjusting LP positions or trading and playing with NFT’s on Stargaze. Naturally, I have also been using Arbitrum Nova for trading MOONs on Sushi and plan to put more into Polygon and Optimism next to play with their ecosystems! So I’ve been around the block and still walking around, but I certainly am having a good time in multiple ecosystems right now!
What projects or chains, are you interacting with, day to day or pretty frequently? What made you stick around?
submitted by /u/Jcook_14
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