Crypto as a whole mostly took off thanks to BTC, if not for its first surge in price, crypto might not be as globally known about as it is today.
Yes we missed BTC’s initial price pump, but we said to ourselves that we never could have known.
Many missed the following BTC price pumps because either : – They didn’t buy because they were certain it wont go up more – They didn’t buy because they were certain it will crash back to nothing – They bought but sold quickly because they couldn’t wait (most likely fear of first two points as well)
And when it DID pump again, for the second time people went: “oh darn it i wish i had bought/hadn’t sold when it was still cheap”
Same story when it reached its ATH at 60k.
Though now the SAME thing will happen all over again. Yes its been hovering at around 30k but you always have to look at BTC in the big scheme of things, meaning it will take time.
So this time maybe you should buy, and hold all the way until it at least reaches a new ATH which it most likely will.
It is clear in my opinion that a repeat of history will happen, where it will pump again to heights unseen before and then everyone will say “we couldn’t have known” or “i wish i bought earlier”. But no because this time it would be on you if you miss out. No excuses.
Just try to forget the “what ifs” for once and commit to it. Because if you don’t, then its a whole new wave of “i wish i bought when it was at XY”
What do you think? Will it most definitely go up? Ir do you have a “what if” to share?
submitted by /u/thespygorillas
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