Surprise, Surprise MOONs have been listed on Kraken, I thought I’d make an even EASIER guide to swapping your MOONs for real money.
⚠️ DISCLAIMER: this guide might be wrong, check the very-bottom of the post for more details ⚠️
(selling more your earned MOONs will affect your Karma Multiplier in the Future)
(1) How do I know what address to send too?
Open Kraken Pro and Click on ‘Portfolio’.
Your portfolio should now be visible, go ahead and click the ‘Deposit’ button.
Now type r/CryptoCurrency Moons and select token that matches it (look for the MOON icon).
Ensure it says ‘Deposit’ at the top of the pop-up in white text
Select the ‘Copy’ icon near the middle of the pop-up and a small-green square should appear saying ‘Successful’
(2) How do I send my MOONs to Kraken Pro now?
(for more information about importing token and network click here)
Select Arbitrum Nova network at the top of the MetaMask screen
Open MetaMask and click the ‘Up & Down’ icon in the middle of the toolbar and click send.
Copy and Paste the address and click NEXT and type the amount you’d like to send and click send and confirm.
paste the copied address in this box
Congratulations 🥳, you’ve successfully sent MOONs to Kraken. Well Done.
🛑 Hold up wait a minute, sending and selling your earned MOONs will affect your karma multiplier in the future. 🛑
If you need to check out anything else regarding MOONs about your account, go check out CCMoons by the fantastic u/ominous_anenome.
Thanks everyone for reading the WRONG GUIDE, I hope this is how you send MOONs to Kraken, as I don’t haven’t done it myself but just compiled Krakens guides and mine instead 😬.
submitted by /u/SwurveMan
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