I know the Binance FUD has never ended and some of yall are tired of seeing it im sure. 4,4,4,4. But this is by their own admission, their failure to complete a court-mandated record of accounts. We all know what happened with the FTX Quickbooks shenanigans so youd think some improvements have been made. The court document by Binance says:
BAM Trading Services Inc. (“BAM Trading”‘) and BAM Management US Holdings Inc. (“BAM Management,” and collectively “BAM’) respectfully move the Court to extend the deadline for BAM to serve upon the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) a verified written accounting pursuant to Section IV of the Consent Order dated June 17, 2023 (the “Consent Order*) [Dkt. No. 71] to Monday, August 7, 2023.
Theyve clearly failed to deliver as the docs havent been submitted. They also added:
BAM has made every effort to comply with this provision of the Consent Order. However, given the volume of information that BAM is required to verify as part of the written accounting, BAM was unable to complete the quality control work necessary to verify the contents of the written accounting by the deadline contained in the Consent Order. BAM is working diligently to complete this quality control work promptly.
In laymans terms this either sounds like “our books are a mess and we cant figure it all out” or “we havent done a good enough job to properly coordinate our operations”. One of those is bad, the other is not great. Keep in mind that this is their much smaller, supposedly siloed/compliant subsidiary. You could maybe make a case the broader Binance system would need much more time, but not as much the case for BinanceUS
submitted by /u/marsangelo
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