If you deposit an equal balance of Moons and ETH on the Sushiswap liquidity pool you share a portion of the rewards which are currently 1,570 Moons per day split proportionally amongst liquidity providers over a 28 day period.
This is from Mellon’s proposal which I put forward in February this year:
The way these Moons are currently given to Sushi are from leftover Moons that do not get sent to Moderators with <1KM (See CCIP-030)
In the past few months, this has been somewhere in the region of 43,000 Moons sent to Sushi which are then divided across 28 days, where if you owned 10% of all liquidity on Sushiswap, you would get 10% of the rewards or about 4,300 Moons per month.
/u/ihaventevengotadog‘s proposal changed this with CCIP-066, which means that instead of that old system, the Sushi rewards pool will now be funded by 5% of the community pot every round.
So the source of moons is the same, but more will be allocated. Let’s look at an example.
The community pot will have 1,157,331 Moons after Mod distribution and then perhaps slightly less thanks to some Giveaways, so call it 1,150,000 Moons. 5% of that is 57,500 Moons, or approximately 33% more Moons.
But that’s not all!
Sushi dun’ goof’d some of the rewards and on a couple rounds, allocated slightly less than they should’ve. We’re still waiting on a final figure of unallocated Moons, but they have confirmed that these excess Moons will be added to the rewards this round.
Currently, the Moons:ETH LP has an APR of 55%.
This will increase with the batches of additional moons!
submitted by /u/TNGSystems
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