About a week ago I decided to delete everything crypto related from my phone. Reddit is the only app that has survived my purge but I did turn off all its notifications.
Over the past years I have been sensible about my investments. Even though I thought crypto was just a serious hobby, I did notice my mood changing when prices dropped/pumped. This in itself is understandable, however, unconsciously I was checking prices multiple time an hour. Not good.
At this point I started tracking my behavior and found that, in my opinion, crypto was impacting my life to such degree that change was needed.
What did I do?
Deleted 3 CEX apps Deleted 2 Crypto tracking tools Deleted two wallets (don’t worry, everything is safely backed up in the non-digital world) Left several community chats on 2 apps Deleted some P2E app on my phone that I had never used Turned off all Reddit notifications but kept the app to stay up to date on sentiment. Plus, I enjoy being active in this community.
What happened?
I have my focus back I’m not worried about prices anymore. I’m in it for the long run with set targets No more mood swings and more motivation to meet friends or to go to the gym MUCH lower perceived stress level Weekly phone use halved! Checking prices once per week on Saturdays
TLDR: I can recommend to everyone to take a step back from your daily crypto routine. Delete some apps/wallets from your phone (please, make good backups just in case) and cut down on your screen time. Try it for a week and see how you feel. If you DCA, you can automate that. Crypto will still be there, even when you haven’t checked the prices in a while.
All you need is time exposure to the market. You don’t need to spend more time checking the prices.
submitted by /u/trzztr
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