With all of the excitement around the listing of moons and bricks, and the crazy run up both of these community tokens have experienced, it seems there’s one community token that is just now picking up steam. DONUT was created for (and by) the EthTrader Reddit community, and is one of the first implementations of putting community points on blockchain.
Even though it’s seen some explosive movement the past week (despite the blood bath everywhere else), as of this post it’s sitting at a market cap of only $4m with plenty of room to grow. It’s been noticed by Kraken Support on Reddit and is currently having its listing application reviewed (as verified by Kraken Support), which would be HUGE.
With an actual use case in the community (like our moons), a long history of community engagement (like our community) and with unlimited meme potential (who doesn’t love donuts) I think it has the potential to skyrocket (NFA).
If DONUTs continue this run up and join the heights of moons and bricks, which is still relatively low, I see the potential of the combo of OG RCP trio tokens igniting a frenzy around community point based tokens, cementing their spot amongst the top meme coins.
If you agree, tell me why you think it’s a good play.
If you don’t agree, then tell me why you’re wrong and why it’s actually a good play (cite your research)
submitted by /u/DrThunderHandz
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