So I was scrolling through my X feed when I came across a shocking post. An account by the name @ KookCapitalLLC highlighted his “business” success. He claimed to have 0 followers 2 years ago, and so far in 2023 has scammed his way to $155,100. He literally says “build with your exit liquidity in mind.”
These people are not your friends!
Here’s the post-
I could not believe that someone would be so brazen to brag about all the money they scammed. Then I remembered where I was and I realized I should not be shocked. However, this post serves as a reminder to everyone out there thinking that influencers are worth copying and buying their products makes sense.
The most insightful part of this post is the user highlights all the ways he took money. Some were classic rug pulls and drainer links, but he collected a whooping $45k “advising”, $19k in courses (which I’m sure were garbage), and even $1500 by putting drainer links in his own newsletter.
Most of these users, especially those with NFT profile pictures, are only out for themselves. Don’t fall the trap.
submitted by /u/002_timmy
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