So I recently an old card from ledger with my 24 seed words on it (I’ve long since switched to a Trezor and this wallet is empty). As I was disposing this card and cutting it up, I was curious how long it would take someone to take the random 24 words and put them in the correct order to get access to the wallet.
So, I did the math.
24! = 620,448,401,733,239,439,360,000
The world’s fastest supercomputer, Summit, is located in Oak Ridge National Laboratory can do 200 quadrillion calculation per second.
620,448,401,733,239,439,360,000 / 200,000,000,000,000,000 = 3,102,242
So it would take ~3.1 million seconds to crack the seed, or 35.9 days.
Now, my laptop can do 4,500,000,000 cycles per second (4.5 GHz).
This means if an average person ended up with a 24 seed in a random order, it would take them 1,595,803,502 days, or 4.3 million years!
So if a random person finds your scrambled seed, you’re probably alright. If the NSA finds it, good luck!
submitted by /u/002_timmy
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