Crypto is probably the most popular for bitcoin’s first huge price pump, which gave cryptocurrency a chance by popularizing it mainstream.
But it going mainstream and being known by pretty much everyone has a con as well: We might now have lost the chance at being “early”.
This means: – We would miss out on all the “early” price pumps of coins – Settled volatility – Lesser amount of random shitcoins
But NONE of this has happened.
Instead we still see a wealth of new shit and alt coins very regularly.
Volatility is still volatile as ever
And most importantly we still see huge price pumps and new ATHs regularly, like the community tokens.
I think for the time being its safe to say we are still kind o “early”, and when we are not we will know, because just like FIAT, which is settled, we’l have less volatility, less dramatic changes, and less coins.
What do you think, are we still early because if this or no?
submitted by /u/thespygorillas
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