When I first joined the space in late 2019 before the halving in 2020 I looked around the various coins and started off with the top 100. I knew nothing, but read books worth of whitepapers and combed over as many projects as I could.
The very first coin I ended up accumulating a bag of was Enjin, or Enj. The idea of gaming and crypto just seemed like a fail safe investment to me. It felt like a bulletproof concept and so I went ahead and got a small bag. The idea that you can ‘ melt ‘ in game items and convert them to a crypto seemed new and cool.
Not long after I got me a bag of Digibyte, simply because a bunch of Youtubers made it sound like some banking innovation, and like all newcomers you get absorbed by the noise. This is the bag I panic sold right before the start of the bullrun. In the end I made a miniscule gain with Enj and lost big on Digibyte, but it was an amazing learning curve.
I now understand about short term plays and that alts can be quite risky, no matter how good something sounds. Overall I know many others have gotten off way worse, my experience made me stay and learn more about the technical side.
submitted by /u/Socialinfluencing
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