Here are popular myths about crypto:
Your coins get transferred to your Trezor or Ledger device. No, they are just moved to a different place on the blockchain that you now have the keys to.
Altcoins are any other coin apart from BTC. Ethereum is not included in this definition. I see many write that they are staking ‘BTC and ETH’ but not ‘altcoins’. Sorry, Ethereum falls into the altcoin definition even though it is the leading blue chip one.
Tokenomics are crucial to any crypto investment. ALGO was touted here as bring the next best alt to emerge in 2021. Unfortunately, even though it is a very promising project, its supply schedule was not favourable as many were released on the market putting on price pressure.
Centralised exchanges are bad or shouldn’t be used. This is a necessary evil in the space. It is hard to onboard retail investors and have high demand if exchanges don’t have good UI/UX or are hard to access / start an account. I for one would like more exchanges come out before the next bull (hopefully next year) but I think the major banks will enter this territory. Some exchanges like Coinbase are actually very safe and offer insurance on your assets (although I wouldn’t stake there, I would go native with staking).
Never tell your friends/family about crypto. I agree with this on a case by case scenario but not as an overriding rule as many pontificate on this sub. I have a good group of crypto friends that share coins/investment ideas in general. We share what we know, but know we are all responsible for our own financial decisions. We also never say how much we have/own. Just that we are staking ‘xyz coin’.
Satoshi Nakamoto’s existence is the best myth out there. I don’t know, but I feel it is a syndicate of people who are still in the space. Sergei Nasarov of Chainlink has morse coded his ‘SN’ in an interview and there are links to others in the Bitcoin development stage who are still in the space. I have heard all sorts. Raoul Pal thinks it is an NSA invention. Craig Wright? Hahaha. Don’t think so. But this is the myth that crypto could never have busted for its mystic and preservation.
What other myths are out there? Do you believe them?
submitted by /u/ShotCryptographer523
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