With The success of MOONs and their ability to reward our community for engagement, contributions, discussions and overall activity on the subreddit, do you see this going more mainstream and being adopted by more communities as time goes on? There are multiple different ERC-20 tokens associated and distributed to other subreddits already like $BRICK and $DONUT, not to mention $CONE but what about beyond the crypto related communities that have nothing to do with the subject matter specifically?
There is a new incentive that exists now to help improve the quality of posts and it only looks like it will grow in popularity as the metrics from websites like subredditstats prove when you look at the evidence.
I’m not asking about specific examples that already exist, I’m wanting to discuss about what other communities could benefit from this unique approach to distributing cryptocurrency to its active users on Reddit?
It usually takes a bull run for this data to be understood for its significance by those who don’t pay attention to crypto every day like we do but with the worst of the bear market behind us now, I can only see this improving from here onwards as adoption continues to grow, but I’m open to hearing about what others think!
submitted by /u/IForgetHowToRead
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