I have a question for everyone to ponder. I love being in this sub (well, usually I love it; not always). But, sometimes I wonder how I would have made different crypto investment decisions if it hadn’t been for this sub. Well, frankly, if I hadn’t been on Reddit in any crypto sub, not just this one. I don’t use any other social media related to crypto and I don’t watch YouTube videos of crypto “influencers” or “experts”. At first I was just looking at Coinbase and (ya, I know better now) RH. I did some research online by reading a few articles.
Once I discovered Reddit and crypto subs, I have to admit, that I was somewhat influenced by what people who had been in the crypto space way longer than me, were posting. While I’ve gotten some good advice here, I’ve also (especially at first) made some decisions I would not have made if I hadn’t been in this sub. If I had to guess, I’d say I’d probably be better off if I just stuck with my original gut and made decisions based on basic research outside of all social media.
So, I am curious, how would your crypto investments have turned out if you didn’t use any crypto-related social media at all? Have you made great decisions because of social media? Have you bought or sold things you might not have if you hadn’t been on crypto social media sites? And yes, I know if you weren’t here you wouldn’t be earning moons—I’m talking about other cryptos besides moons. Thanks!
submitted by /u/Invest07723
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