Sometimes, people discuss the negatives of the implementation of Moons and its effect on the community. We are pioneers to be sure, but it seems this was never meant to be the best subreddit for its implementation.
The best subs for community points, particularly to comments/answers, are help subs. I’m talking about places like r/learnspanish, r/englishlearning, and identification subs like r/whatisthisthing, r/whatsthisbug, or r/tipofmytongue, etc. Or any other help sub where specific informed answers are sought from experts or just research-inclined people.
In those places, a monetary incentive for comment karma may actually bring more people into those helpful communities, experts among them, and better promote the best answers to questions in those subs.
Of course, it’s still a mystery where Reddit is going after getting rid of award coins, but food for thought. Not all subs would be “ruined” by RCPs as some might think.
It may even inspire more people to become knowledgeable in the subjects at hand, in order to provide RCP-winning answers themselves.
submitted by /u/OrganicDroid
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