I find it quite funny and somewhat alarming that only a couple of years ago now that between the height of the bull market and the lows of the bear market (roughly just 1 year) we had people buy BTC at $69k and sell it at $19k… not necessarily the same people of course but I’ll bet there’s a good handful that did.
We’ve been in a bear market for now nearly 3 years, a long time since a $69k BTC but it’s worth reminding ourselves that even at the highest point in a tokens life things can very quickly dive off a cliff. Obviously we’ve had a pretty terrible last 2-3 years in terms of the greater macro but still this huge drop off and timescale isn’t exactly unseen, it’s happened many times over in cryptos past. It just shows the absolute volatility of Crypto and how things can turn very quickly in this space.
This is something we should not forget for the next bull run, no matter how high we fly in the bull market we will still fall into a bear market sooner or later, we will never be Invincible. Be careful out there, take profits and stick to your plan. You never know where we will be in just one year.
Where do you think we we will be?
submitted by /u/Slippytoe
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