Op of popular post right now claims they received 150k of Matic overnight. In their screenshot you can see they also used Coinbase wallet screenshot and in their screenshot you can see it does not say they received Matic, just that they received 151k of empty stuff on Polygon network. First screenshot is from my coinbase wallet of how I also constantly receive these fake tokens here: https://imgur.com/a/VIqVU7o . Same as his screenshot basically.
https://imgur.com/a/XYaJkNR And second screenshot is how it looks when you receive actual Matic. It says both amount of Matic and its fiat value. So OP of the post is either too clueless or trolling us.
And if you receive these fake tokens please do not interact with them, they are trying to drain your wallet.
submitted by /u/mbdtf95
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