The date is 2/11/2009
“I’ve developed a new open source P2P e-cash system called Bitcoin,” wrote Satoshi in his first ever post about BTC on the p2p foundation message boards.
He talks about the issues with trusting the central bank and hints at greed and power being large issues before praising encryption as our savior.
This was the first public mention of bitcoin which as we all know would go on to become what it is today, back then BTC was punk as fuck. The crosshairs where on the dollar, trust was for the birds and decentralization was king.
This is what had me interested in crypto right from the jump (although unfortunately I never bought back then like many of us). It was not about getting rich, sure people wanted to make money but everyone was in it for the tech … not just the tech … Satoshi wanted to give control back to the people and take “trust in our government” out of the equation.
It was about a revolution in our currency and generating wealth for EVERYONE … not just the lucky few.
Fast Forward to today:
Crypto is a far cry from the early days, a lot of it is good and some of it is bad, regulation looms large and much of the power is in the very hands we originally sought to take control away from (centralized exchanges, Wall Street, huge tech companies etc.).
One thing that sticks out to me like a sore thumb are NFTs (not to pick on them this is really just an example/metaphor). I am a big fan of them (one look at my collection here will tell you that) but I am also a thinker … by that I mean a lot of the expensive NFTs you see on my profile where obtained through clever trades and stacking profit on top of profit … I think the most I have ever put into RCAs total is about $300 but that is eclipsed by the fact that I sold one of those purchased NFT’s for about $1,000 worth of eth. That is not something everyone is willing to invest the time on and they should not be expected to.
My point is even RCAs (a pretty awesome implementation of NFTs) are expensive AF for your average joe … while a lot of people here would see $300 as pocket change your average working man is perplexed at spending even $20 on an avatar and these things are pretty cheap in comparison to other more popular NFTs.
This type of thing spreads far beyond that as well.
From laughing at people who are “in it for the tech” to $20,000 NFTs and mocking people who sell off a position our space has become littered with a negative attitude toward the little guy … your average joe … the girl next door.
So what am I getting at?
As someone who loves crypto and wants more than anything to see it succeed I am asking why has this space become over run with greed and lack of empathy? Why has number go up become the only thing that matters? Why is it laughable to care about the tech? Why has decentralization become a “nice to have” for a system that had the main goal of removing trust and centralization?
I know these are all very hard questions and I know I will probably get downvoted to fuck for asking them but luckily that is not something that bothers me. I also know that not everyone here or in this space thinks the way I have mentioned, I know I sure don’t nor do a lot of others here but non the less many do and it is real.
Lastly I would like to ask can we change this? Is it too late? How could we move past this OR cant we and it is all down hill from here?
I hope all of this finds you well and your enjoying your weekend. I also hope that NO ONE takes any offense from anything I have asked, I like to ask and talk about the tough questions.
submitted by /u/jonfoxsaid
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