In the show Million Dollar Listing New York you can follow three real estate brokers selling apartments in New York. What caught my eye is an episode where a man tries to buy an apartment with bitcoin.
It was in season 4 episode 10 where, during an apartment tour where one of the brokers (Ryan Serhant) gets offered bitcoin for payment of the apartment.
The apartment was listed for 13 million USD and the buyer wanted to pay the equivalent of bitcoin, at that time it was about 50 000 bitcoin. The broker was curios if it even was legal but he presented the offer to the seller.
Sadly (for the seller) he wondered if the broker was crazy and waved that offer away.
I can understand the seller, since bitcoin wasn’t as well known then and it would be a 13 million USD risk to accept the offer. But if the seller would have accepted and hodl’ed for all these years the bitcoin would be worth 1.3 billion USD today (3.4B USD at ath), a nice little 100x gain over 8 years.
Do you think it will be more common with real estate buys/sells (or other big transactions) with bitcoin? I think sellers will see it as a bigger risk so you will probably have to pay a higher price if you want to pay in bitcoin, to calculate in the risk.
submitted by /u/Arghaz
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