You cannot time the market but once Btc or Eth or any good alt makes a new ath or at some point you reach the end of the Bull market, you can find the bottom that the alt is going to easily by using Fib retracement and focus on 0.85(you need to set it in tradingview) That’s the bottom where whales buy(It may be hard to believe but whenever Btc was 67k then that ath resisted a couple times(same goes for alts), apart from other signs of the beginning of the bear market we had such as Puell Multiple,mvrv and NUPL,rainbow chart and some other things, I knew that was the top so I used Fib retracement for many alts including ETH and also Btc and that showed me exactly where the bottom would be in for each in the bear market! So I sold all my coins and waited and got in last year when Btc was 16k! Here we are!). Whales love doing that on 1w timeframe only. Be warned! Focus on Fear and Greed index! Whales love to buy when it’s 10(extreme fear) or even lower than that at the same time they love to sell when the F&G index is at 50 or even higher than that! Don’t listen to the influencers and Youtubers who are shilling coins/tokens!!!! They were paid by the whales. Whales wanna sell their bags to you and make massive gains. Just block those channels, you’re good! Never ever sell your Btc! There are 219 million people holding Btc! I assume out of this 6.7m, there are 4-5m of you holding Btc. That’s something. Don’t sell your Btc to Blackrock. Make them pay 1Million$ for it and they will! Someday , sometimes, they will! Don’t let them fool you. 1M$ to Blackrock is like 100$ to you! Your Btc is precious so only sell what you can afford to lose! Regarding altcoins: Be certain that only a few of alts will go back to their ath. Our market is bigger so more Market cap is required for new aths so forget about the ath. Take profits. DCA out(overcome greed) and DCA in(overcome fear) Whales take advantage of your fear and greed and it’s your fear and greed is what makes them rich! Leave futures trading for good, then you’re set for life! Seriously! How much more do you wanna gift to the whales and exchanges? What would you do if you had an exchange? Would you continue this futures services if you kept losing to some crypto bros? Whales and exchanges plan on making you broke on futures behind the scene. Instead of throwing your money out, just buy Btc and HODL! Don’t follow the market, let the market follow you! There will always be times when you will be like ” I wish I had cash ” so keep cash. Never say never. Never say ” I missed it” Never say ” This alt can’t go that low, it’s too far. Btc can’t go down to 12k, it’s too far ” This is what whales want you to think. Every price is possible for any alt. DOT used to be 4$ then went up to 10$, then went up to 55$, There were people fomoing. People said ” impossible for DOT to go down to 10$, let alone 4 or even 3$” the same way there are people who say ” It’s impossible for DOT to go up to 55$, let alone 100$. Sorry to break it to you; Whales are playing you. The actual price of Ada is not 0.25$, it is currently 3$. CURRENTLY! Which means in the future it will be a lot more than that. The current prices of the alts and even Btc and Eth are not what you think they are. Whales tricked you and keep tricking you and this is why they’re whales, you’re not! Only invest what you can afford to lose: This does not necessarily mean you’re gonna lose your money! Be patient: This is the game played and won by patient people only. The market is a device that transfers money from the impatient to the patient! FUD and FOMO is what makes whales rich and wealthy. They spend 100k$ and even more to the influencers and Youtubers just to make you feel bad and panic sell or fomo and go all in. That’s their dirty game!
Last but not least, take it from me, just buy Btc and HODL for ever. Only sell the Btc you can afford to lose. Let it hit 1M$. These are things whales hate to even see on the internet, they don’t want you to be rich. There are 3 rules in life:
Buy and hold BTC! Shut the FUCK up! Get fabulously wealthy!
submitted by /u/Mr_AdultGamer
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