I feel like people are overhating on daytrading crypto. Whenever there is a mention of it people are saying how its a stupid way to do crypto, you only lose, etc. I personally disagree. Just want to clarify that I have few years experience in crypto trading and that Im not some dude who got lucky few times and immediately became an expert. Im still not an expert but I think I can consider myself a decent trader. Im in profit, and while its not huge money, its still something.
“Only 1% of traders are profitable, the others lose”, this is a quote I keep hearing a lot, not exact everytime but close enough. I still didnt see any proof from where this analysis came from, so Im gonna assume its made up for the sake of making crypto trading look bad. If it was true no one would be doing it.
Here we are introduced to leverage. Leverage is a very powerful tool that if used responsibly can be quite good. Most of the times people lose because they overleverage themselves and then blame the futures for their mistake. I had the same issues at the start where I would overleverage myself and lose a lot of money. At the start I lost about 4k before I learned proper risk managment and became profitable. I reduced leverage, reduced my positions so I dont blow up my accounts, started using tp and sl, and the most important, no emotions and revenge trading. It took me about a year to get my shit together and start doing it right.
If youre new in crypto trading, start small. You will most definitely lose at the start until you learn to control yourself. Have in mind it will take some time but in the end I think its worth it.
Im not suggesting anyone to start crypto daytrading, just wanted to share my thoughts of something thats been bothering me for a while. I dont hate any individual that disagree with me, these are just my opinions.
submitted by /u/ivanowastaken
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