As you know I’m Venezuelan living here, that really likes crypto mostly (among other reasons and beliefs) because I live in a country with hyperinflation (reached over 180k % years ago).
Usually when I post I mention that since 2007, government has removed 15 zeroes from the currency, yeah that is right. One “current” Bolivar (they keep the same name) would have been 100,000,000,000,000 “old” (pre2007) Bolivares.
3 zeroes in 2007 5 zeroes in 2018 6 zeroes in 2021
This didn’t affect (good or bad) inflation, was just a cosmetic change to avoid using all these zeroes.
I remember the POS (point of sales), before 2018 had a limit of 40,000,000 Bs. per purchase (software limit) and 40,000,000 Bs. were maybe 6-7 USD (I don’t remember) so you had to swipe your card several times.
Also in the last zero removal in 2021, purchases over 166 USD would be one billion Bolivares (1,000,000,000 Bs.)
I just selected Shiba Inu as the companion because it’s one of the “less” valuable crypto per unit. Currently at USD 0.000008 (Rounded it up a little), so if you multiply that by 100,000,000,000,000 that is the 800,000,000 Bs. value
Yes, the abbreviation of Bolivares is Bs.,South%20American%20nation’s%20economic%20crisis,South%20American%20nation’s%20economic%20crisis).
submitted by /u/WorkingLime
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