This is full original source of the thread:
In those years Reddit BTC tipping seemed to have been more common and bitcoin tip bot named u/bitcointip was used relatively frequently on Reddit to give out tips. It was an era where a lot of those early Bitcoin miners and investors held through their Bitcoins and experienced first huge bull market that catapulted their net worth. One of them was a person that called themselves bitcoinbillionaire and they ended up tipping a lot of people on Reddit, but their biggest tip seemed to have actually been this one (if someone finds larger one you can correct me on this).
Funniest thing is that the person he/she tipped it to was on a post where this future bitcoin critic claimed he wants Bitcoin price to crash. They had their own reasons for wanting that I guess. And another interesting thing about all of this is that the person that got all of this Bitcoin tipped to them lost it all on Silk Road.
Person that got tipped has been active on here relatively recently and had some things later on to say about this tip and how it went down.
Back then I was in crypto for the tech, and for the drugs. Because I was a moron. And because I was a moron, I thought I will put it on Silk Road, because “that’s surely more secure than my computer” (remember, back then, there were no HW wallets and no big take-downs of darknets; SR was the first big one) Well, I lost everything when they took down Silk Road, very shortly after that.
I became fairly anti-crypto and anti-libertarian about 2-3 years ago though and now I wish it all dies. We had our fun, let’s pack it up and do something actually useful
So in the end unfortunately they haven’t held this amount of Bitcoins and made themselves millionaires in 2021 bull-run, but still an interesting story. Can’t even blame this person I guess for being salty and becoming anti-crypto knowing they just lost possible life changing amount of money, so this might be a way for them to cope with it.
submitted by /u/mbdtf95
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