After analysing the new entrants (after December 2021) into the top 200 rankings, I have put my money where my thesis and research is and have bought a basket of 10 of these coins today (9th September, 2023, 3pm, EST Australia).
I have bought 5 of the top 100 and 5 of the 100-200 ranking so evenly splitting the rankings.
As an Aussie, and put in $10 each of these coins, totalling $100 AUD which is about $64 USD right now. But it is always good to have skin in the game and I would probably spend that money at the pub anyway.
I decided to compare my basket to BTC and ETH because even though my crypto portfolio is top heavy in BTC and ETH, I am always being ‘advised’ to buy BTC and ETH only on this subreddit. So let’s see if that is the best strategy after all.
The total crypto market will be a comparison as well to see how this basket goes against that.
Here is the Excel spreadsheet ready to go:
Every month I will post an update on how this basket goes against the other two as I will update this monthly. I think it may suffer this month, but may pick up after October. What do you all think may happen? I won’t sell this basket at all and will let it sit and watch and see if the thesis about new entrants being better performers holds true.
I am aware there will be more new entrants up until the next bull such as ZKSync, Starknet and others, so I may include them on the spreadsheet when they list to compare them against these three as well.
Any thoughts? What may be the best performer in this basket?
submitted by /u/ShotCryptographer523
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