As a crypto historian, I wanted to take a look at the sentiment of the market before the previous bull runs. That puts it in a similar phrase of the cycle as we are right now.
The TLDR is: investors are way too conservative during bear markets.
In the post, you can see how users predicted the price of ETH before the 2017 ATH. The post was done roughly here:
Or even more precisely, here is the same chart without the benefit of knowing the future:
Beautiful times – ETH at <$10, already did a ~4x during the year.
Nevertheless, here’s what people predicted:
$32 for 2017. End of 2017: $28-$52.4 End 2017 – 50-75 End 2017 60$-70$ (with POS running and reduced inflation) End of 2017: $20.00 etc.
It’s unbelievable!
There is not a single comment over there that says/predicts that ETH will go to above $1000.
Not a single one!
This is a reminder of how it looks and feels to be “early”. This is also a reminder of how it feels to be a part of a brutal bear market.
We’re in one right now. And yes, ETH may not be the coin that will do your 100x, but never underestimate the price potential of other projects with proper utility.
But even ETH or BTC, people are usually throwing numbers in the 4-6x range. But what if we’re all surprised? Whoever guessed those 2 digit numbers for ETH was dead wrong.
No conclusions from my side – I just found this interesting and wanted to share. Make your own research and decisions.
And for me? I’m loading up on both BTC and ETH.
It’ll be a nice ride ahead!
Set your reminders for 2025.
submitted by /u/BusinessBreakfast3
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