Two years ago millions of DOT tokens were locked as part of the Polkadot Parachain Slot Auction.
A total number of 113.5 Million DOT was bonded to crowdloans and 99.2 Million DOT was locked in slots for 96 weeks (until October 20th, 2023). This 99.2million will be returned to the users who loaned it and we will see this supply come back into the market next month.
The price of DOT at the time of the crowdloan lock was around $55 so it is already 90% down from there. Now the question is how many of the people getting their tokens back would be selling at the current price? I am just wondering if it would be a good strategy to sell my DOT holdings now and buy back later after the unlock next month.
submitted by /u/IwalkedtoMordor
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