Note that I analyzed most “are we still early” type posts from the past year, as well as most of their top comments, and here are the definitive key pro and con are we early takeaways from all such posts.
Before each argument I will put “Pro” or “Con” to site if it is “Pro to we’re early”, or “Con to we’re early”
Part 1: The Stats of Current Adoption:
Pro: Crypto wallet users are about 84.02 million, in relation to the world’s population, current crypto adopters are about 1% of the total of that, and less so when considering multiple people have wallets. (Though there is now about 420 million general crypto users globally, which is about 5%, maybe not all are wallet owners though I guess) Pro: The argument that most people in the world do not use cryptocurrency (Confirmed by the above point) Con: The argument that if it is adopted by a small amount of individuals, does not mean it’s destined to be adopted by a larger amount or succeed (That is a subjective claim)
Part 2: Number of CryptoCurrencies and CEXs, and their Popularity:
Con: There are thousands of Cryptocurrencies (I looked it up, it is approx 22,932). Con: Bitcoin is number 14* in Market cap when compared to the big companies. (*I looked it up currently it’s actually number 11, not 14) Con: There are exchanges worth billions (I looked it up, there are 11 CEXs with a trading volume above 1 billion dollars) Con: Countries are regulating crypto (I looked it up, it’s about 45 countries) Pro: The argument that a lot of current crypto adopters barely know anyone else in their real life who is also a crypto adopter. (Hard to confirm such statement, from my experience it’s true though) Con: The payment options and those who use them, as well as transfer options and those who use them, are on a small scale related to everything else. (I think that just proves we’re early though, unless we are stuck in that state forever, as stated by commenter: “if we are not early, then crypto is dead”) Con: Almost anyone not off the grid or the internet is aware of some form of cryptocurrency (Number of people aware of it is not something available) Pro: crypto still needs to be accepted as payment in major retailers, and generally most stores. (Currently it’s accepted in multiple online stores and some physical ones, but it is far and few between in most places)
Part 3: The Technology, and complexity of Crypto, and its platforms:
Pro: A lot of people still do not know or understand most crypto terms, examples given: Block Chain, Seed Phrase, Swaps, Bridges, L2, DEX, etc. (Could be true to beginners, education should be pushed harder on those topics) Pro: There is a lot of untapped potential in terms of what can still be done with crypto. (I guess that can be true, but no solid confirmation) Con: Most coins do not have practical useful utility (Subjective in terms of what utility you need, some people appreciate the fee-less and instant transfers for example) Pro: Crypto is still confusing for the average person in terms that it would be easy for them to be scammed, or send crypto to wrong addresses, things need to be simplified before mass adoption. (Of course there is no proven how true this statement is other than personal experiences, which there are many of) Pro: Good User interface on most platforms is still needed before mass adoption could happen (I personally barely have issues with user interfaces, but I’m much more tech-savvy than the average persons that will be using those platforms) Pro: mass adoption will happen when it is easy enough to be used by any generation, from elderly to children. (I guess this ties in or will result from the fulfillment of the above points)
Seems like those were the general pro and con arguments mostly used in this community when debating whether we are still early adopters or not.
A lot of people also typically agreed that we are not near mass adoption but not early to cryptocurrency, or that we are slightly early but not very early, or a middle ground where we are neither early nor late.
What are your thoughts?
submitted by /u/thespygorillas
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