Yesterday I made a poll with the question: Why would YOU hold Bitcoin?
I got over 600 respondents and therefor decided to visualise the data for you guys, but keep in mind. Im no graphic designer and used a free website it not the most beautiful designed pie chart.
The most selected category was Investments / Diversification with 385 votes, which is roughly 64% of the the total votes. Followed by escaping the hedging for inflation with 86 votes, or 14,3%. These two are the most common reason people have in the in the west, maybe followed by Escaping the financial system.
The smallest categorie is Remittence with just 4 votes, or 0.7% total. I suspect because, Reddit is mostly used by western people and secondly, the group that does use Bitcoin as remittence is already really small. This counts for payment aswel.
If you enjoyed this post, let me know so I can maybe do a full research (as far as Reddit is an accurate representation, but for the fun of course) with more diverse topics as country of origin, time you discovered crypto, age etc to get a better picture of this sub
submitted by /u/FreekTheDog
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