Long story short, Logan Paul shills CryptoZoo to millions of his fans, makes a shit ton of money on NFTs, and the game never materializes.
After a class action lawsuit is filed, LP promised to repay his fans, and a plan of 1.5-3 million dollar reimbursement is expected. Fast forward a year later, nothing has happened. Much like CryptoZoo.
The thing is, is Logan Paul has money. Lots of money. His estimated net worth is 260 million. Logan Paul isn’t afraid to boast about his money. He even said in the most recent Face off with Dillan Danis, ”my record is 10,000,000,000 and that’s the value of my company (Prime), even though I take the L, i never really lost” When Danis asked if he ever repayed his fans that he scammed, LP quickly changed the subject.
So yeah LP recently boasts about his 10 billion dollar company but still can’t make things right with his fans- one of which was a guy that invested his life savings $300,000.
submitted by /u/crownpoly
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